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Recent News and Articles

Law Clerk Welcome Mixer
The welcome mixer was a fantastic opportunity for new summer law clerks to socialize and acquaint themselves with our attorneys. We warmly welcome our new law students and are eager to support and nurture them as they embark on their journey with the firm.
Welcome Summer Law Clerks
A&W is excited to welcome our 2024 Summer Law Clerks! The Summer Law Clerk Program offers students valuable hands-on experience in public law and various practice areas, along with the potential for future employment opportunities. This year, we welcome six bright law students...
RCBA New Attorney Academy
A&W congratulates the recent graduates of the RCBA New Attorney Academy! Join us in congratulating Post Bar Clerk Tiffany Harper and Associates Judy Baladi, Ji Oh, and Ericka Murphy alongside Justice Richard T. Fields in the esteemed California 4th District Court of Appeal,...
A&W Celebrates Special Districts Week
Special Districts Week, May 19-25, 2024 will be proclaimed by the State Legislature with approval of Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) 163. ACR 163 is sponsored by The California Special Districts Association (CSDA), a statewide association representing over 1,000 special...
Partner Benjamin R. Jones Published in the Daily Journal
In a recent feature for the Daily Journal, Partner Benjamin R. Jones discusses the constitutional significance of charter cities' Senate Bill 9 win, a case led and won by Managing Partner Sunny Soltani and Equity Partner Pam Lee.  Partner Michelle L. Villarreal and...
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