Shannon Chaffin is an Equity Partner in the Central Valley office handling a wide variety of legal issues including municipal law, land use, environmental, construction law, and all aspects of representing public agencies. He has served entities throughout the State ranging from public agencies in Sutter County to Los Angeles County.
Mr. Chaffin has served as the primary legal counsel for comprehensive updates for general plans, specific plans, and zoning ordinances, and has a broad range of experience with a variety of municipal law issues ranging from municipal transparency and ethics, to oil and gas operations and development of large retail and housing projects. He also has experience in hundreds of litigation proceedings involving matters including contract enforcement, personal injury, asset recovery, bond enforcement, bankruptcies, stop notices, land use approvals, CEQA challenges, civil rights and employment claims, and mediations and negotiations. Mr. Chaffin has assisted law enforcement as an 'on call' attorney for officer involved shootings and uses of critical force. In addition to his extensive city attorney experience, Mr. Chaffin has also advised multiple commissions including Planning Commissions, Historic Preservation Commission, Rent Stabilization Commission, Housing and Community Development Commission, and other commissions.